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Healthy Holiday!


“Putok-batok” : A common term Filipinos used to refer to calorie laden food that may cause high blood. As the holidays approach so do the lechon, hamon, and all kinds of festive food. Let’s avoid the temptation of over-eating and keep ourselves from falling off the scales this holiday season.



There are still line-ups and embarkations ahead in 2017. Best to stay fit and healthy! Here are a few tips to get you started:



1. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.

Fill your plate with just enough food that you can consume. Better to enjoy the food and take one bite at a time.



2. Take the focus off the food.

Make time for other things! Instead of eating, why not plan activities with family and friends? Go outdoors, play a sport, try a new hobby, or learn a new skill!  



3. Incorporate healthy recipes into your holiday meals.

If it’s healthy, you don’t need to overthink getting an extra bite ;)



4. Be careful with beverages.

Too many sugary drinks or alcohol is no good. Drink responsibly and avoid that beer belly!




5. Exercise!

In addition to helping you shave off those calories, studies have also shown that regular exercise can keep your mind sharp all while your body gets stronger!



Happy Holidays—and Happy, Healthy, Eating!


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